

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…



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This week I posted the following comment on Facebook.

"No Republican can ever again claim to be pro-life...bastards!"

Within minutes, I received a very long message from a straight, white, conservative man. It went on and on about how insensitive my post was...how terrible it is to call people names...how we have to work together...etc.

For about 10 seconds I was so viciously angry...and then this calm came over me...I went to the settings and clicked un-friend.

Then I busted out laughing...

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Insensitive? Insensitive is suggesting that older people would gladly die to save the economy for the grandkids.

Insensitive? Insensitive is putting the orange buffoon on television everyday so that he can lie and lie and more people die.

Name calling? Ha! From the same party and religion whose first argument is that this is the fault of the gays?

Name calling? Ha! From the same party that called President Obama every name in the book?

Working together? Hilarious! The orange buffoon doesn't want to work with governors who don't praise him.

Working together? Hilarious! From the same party that prioritized corporations (who are NOT people) over the people of this country in a financial package that is so inadequate it is laughable and offensive.

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And here is the crux of the matter for me...

On the whole (I know there are exceptions) straight, white, conservative men do not give a flying shit about anyone other than themselves...until it begins to impact them. And then, they take the issue as their own and anyone who doesn't agree with them is suddenly attacked. They are suddenly offended. They suddenly want to work together.

A word of advice to straight, white, conservative men...

You don't get to be insensitive - you don't get to call people names - and you don't get to not collaborate - and then suddenly - and only when you begin to feel the pain - expect that those of us you have attacked, isolated, persecuted, and oppressed be “nice” to you.

That is now how this works...that is not how any of this works.

Just sayin'

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