

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…

Tips for Working from Home

Tips for Working from Home

Very dark roast - french press...

I have been working from home for almost 20 years. For me, this social distancing is the norm...at least in terms of work. I have learned some things, and observed/experienced some things that you might find helpful.

  1. If you don't want anyone to see you, make sure your video is disabled or turned off BEFORE you join the online meeting. I can't tell you the number of bed heads and strange pajamas I have seen on my monitor!

  2. If you have video enabled...REMEMBER that is is on! I was once on a very long, international video conference call. One gentleman forgot we were on video and stood up and took a pee in his coffee cup - in full view of about 30 co-workers. Hello!

  3. If you need to sneak in a bathroom break, mute yourself. And before you walk away from your computer, double check the mute. I can't even count on both hands the number of times I have listened to bathroom noises while discussing a budget.

  4. Put yourself in work mode. It is easy, from the comfort of your home, to let your vocabulary or tone get a little lax. I once said, "Oh, I hear you girl" to a male senior executive. In terms of tone...it was full on gay!

  5. Remember to mute if you don't want to be heard. I was once on a conference call - we were deep in a merger negotiation - and I needed to pick up the kids from school. I failed to mute as I shouted to a friend in the pick up line, "Yeah. I am on a call with a bunch or idiot attorneys trying to hammer through some crap that doesn't even matter."

And now I need to get back to work. My hair is a mess...my pajamas are wrinkly...my face is puffy.

I think I will launch this meeting...and see what happens.

Just sayin'

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