

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…

Quarantine Shenanigans

Quarantine Shenanigans

I am still here...in my house...alone most days while my husband is at work.

Here are some of the things that happened this week.

Leaving the bathroom, I struck my best Evita pose and sang out...

“Don’t poop for me Argentina.
The truth is I did it myself.
It had been two days.
And I was in pain.
But now it’s happened.
And I feel better.”

The cats raised their heads from where they were lying in the bed and stared at me.  Then went back to napping.

It was the only audience response I have had in months.

There was a large container of leftovers in the fridge: spicy beef noodles I had made (yum!).  I decided to heat the entire container, eat some, and trash the rest.  I took the container to my office to catch up on email while I ate lunch.  Then next thing I knew I was holding an empty bowl.  Yep - I ate the whole thing.  Ugh.

I had an extended conversation with Siri.  It ended when one of my questions illicited the following response:

“You ask too many questions.”

I dreamed I was performing at a theatre.  Turned out it was a Republican fundraiser.  I was pissed at my agent.  In the middle of the exchange the Stage Manager came in and announced the event was canceled because tRump had a heart attack and died.  I started to laugh.  The audience beat me to death while I laughed.  I woke up laughing.

I solved a problematic code issue this week, spun around in my chair and reached for a high five.  I realized there was no one to celebrate with so I shouted “F*ck you Engelbert!  I deserved that high five!” 

I don’t know anyone named Engelbert.

As I often do, I went for a drive this week to get out of the house a bit.  I parked in a strip mall and had imaginary conversations with the people walking around.  I realized it looks like I am having a phone call in my car, so not weird at all - right?  My social time ended when I got in an argument with a woman about the fact that she was not wearing a mask.  Okay, in the interest of honesty, my social time ended because I was yelling at this woman and someone parked right beside me and started to stare.  But I made my point.

Just another week of lather, rinse, repeat...mental health challenge edition...

Just sayin’

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Prayer Requests Act I Scene 3

Prayer Requests Act I Scene 3