All in My Story

Fishing with Dad

Happy Father's Day!

Shortly after coming out, I went on a fishing trip with my Dad. We loaded up and left early in the morning for a day of fishing on the lake. Just me and my Dad.


While COVID-19 has been really rough on me mentally, this last week has really knocked me down.

It does not surprise me at all that people are racist. It does not surprise me at all that the police are killing black people. It doesn't surprise me at all that white people are focusing on looting instead of peaceful protests and the blatant disregard of the lives of people of color.


When I was in elementary school, we would take field trips to see plays. I loved these trips. We would see the play and then we would go to Zilker Park to eat our sack lunches and play before loading up the bus and heading back home.


This may come as quite a surprise to those of you who know me personally. I was a very shy child. Very shy. The thought of anyone paying attention to me was frightening.