

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…



Hello, my name is Will and I am an addict.

About a month ago I was finally persuaded by my daughter to download TikTok. My initial thoughts were that I was too old for this app...and when do I have time to just sit and watch videos?

But my daughter kept sending me links...and telling me how great it was...and I succumbed to the pressure.

I downloaded the app and spent about 5 minutes on it. What a train wreck...why would this interest anyone? And I didn't open it again for a week or so. Then, because this quarantine is so boring...I gave it another chance.


Apparently once you start liking or following particular content, "like" videos are pushed to you. I guess you could say I found my vein.

I was laughing so hard, I couldn't get my breathe.

It has become an addiction.

When I go to bed at night, I put in my AirPods and hit the TikTok. On several occasions I have to leave the bed and go to another room because I am laughing so hard I am afraid I will wake up Luis!

One day, I found myself watching a series of videos of people who have been on the potty watching videos for so long that their legs fall asleep. Watching these people stumble from the toilet was hilarious! I was laughing very hard. When I realized that I had been watching videos for more than half an hour, I decided I needed to get back to work.

Important note...I was on the potty...

I set my phone aside...and I stood up. I promptly fell forward and bonked my head. Now I am leaning against the bathroom wall, pants around my ankles, laughing so hard I am crying.

I should have made a TikTok...

This is the first post in my new category. I am calling it "Good Stuff." My goal is to write about the things I am discovering that bring in some good. Something to laugh at...something to cause happy tears...something to remind us all that there are still good people out there. My personal effort to not focus on the crazy.

If you are looking for some giggles, I recommend TikTok. Give it a hot minute - find a vein of videos that you like and then relax and drop into an extended time of laughter and fun.

Here are a couple of things I have spent some time on “the YouTube" this week that made me smile...

"Some Good News" is a YouTube channel started by John Krasinski. I have thoroughly enjoyed the videos! Here's a link to the first video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5pgG1M_h_U

"Sailing La Vagabonde" is a YouTube channel about a young couple and their baby boy who live on a boat and sail the world. This is the couple that recently sailed Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic. The scenery is beautiul and shenanigans they get into are sweet and funny. It has been a great escape. Here is a link to their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdQjaSoLjIzFnWsDQOv4ww

And, if you enjoy Shakespeare and supporting local theatre, check out the video of a reading of A Midsummer Night's Dream - I played Bottom. The Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/GaslightBaker/videos/160383591969967

I hope you are finding some rest from the current state of things. I hope you are finding some laughter. For me, I had to make it a priority.

If you find something funny...let me know...

We might not be able to laugh together...but we can still share laughter.

Just sayin'

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Meal Planning Gone Crazy

Meal Planning Gone Crazy

