

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…



We need something good.

Tabitha Brown - I first found her on TikTok...and I was smitten right away.  She is entertaining and informative...but more importantly, she is connected to something that is allowing her to be a voice of calm and love during these difficult times.  I have seen many people post comments that just hearing her voice makes things better - and I agree.

Here is a sample:

LOVING: The first 1000 - I am so excited and proud to be a small part of the release of this book!  A friend sent this my way a few weeks ago. Going through the photos moved me way beyond words. I think of this book as a family album...and proof that we have always been here, and we aren't going anywhere.  There is still time to be a part of the initial release if you are interested!

Website: https://www.loving1000.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LovingTheBook1000/posts/116486660067572

Documentary Short:

The list is short this time around...not because there is a shortage of good, but because I am finding it difficult to see past the bad.

But I am working in it...

Just sayin'

Good Stuff Banner.png


Feeling 51

Feeling 51