

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…

Meal Planning Gone Crazy

Meal Planning Gone Crazy

French press...touch of chocolate...

People have often teased me because my vacation photos are most often of food. They are...it's because I am fat!

I miss dining out...I miss Greek, Thai, Mexican, Vietnamese, Italian...who am I kidding...I miss it all.

Luis and I are both good cooks, so it is not as if we haven't been making some good stuff at home. But we are getting a bit bored...and tired. Tired of cooking and cleaning and cooking and cleaning. I don't know that we have ever used the dishwasher as often as we have the past few weeks.

This last weekend, we got each other so tickled we had tears streaming down our faces.

I made a big breakfast on Saturday. Sausages, pancakes, fried potatoes. Luis made espresso. We thoroughly enjoyed breakfast.

After eating and cleaning up, we settled onto the sofa for some Golden Girls. At the first commercial break we looked at each other, and both of us said, "So, what are we having for lunch?" We laughed and laughed. The show resumed. At the next commercial break we both just started laughing. He said, "What were you thinking?" I said, "I was thinking about what we will have for dinner." He said, "Me too!"

For the rest of the day, we would laugh at commercials for restaurants. When we switched to our cooking shows...it all went downhill.

Weekends have become about breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner, snacks, dessert, snacks...and one meal isn't over that we aren't talking about the next.

I have given in to it...when this is over, I will go back on the diet.

In the meantime...what's for lunch? Wait! What’s for SNACK!

Just sayin'

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Quarantine Music Share 01

Quarantine Music Share 01

