

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

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Welcome to my blog!

So what is this all about? Well, these are my stories…and my opinions…and my thoughts. Shared in my own style and may own flair.

This journey is about…

Reflecting - the crazy, odd, joyful, heartbreaking, and honest experiences I have had.

Catharsis - voicing my concerns, fears, and excitement about things going on around me.

Sharing - I wish I had these stories when I was a young, gay, Southern Baptist kid growing up in Texas - some voice that I recognized and they made me feel real. And in talking about that with a friend, I realized that I could actually be that voice…for some. Some folks won’t like what I have to say and that’s cool. There are plenty of avenues to pursue what interests you. Some folks will like what I have to say and that’s cool. Follow me here and let’s kiki.

When I was a Freshman in High School, I took a public speaking class. And I was T-E-R-R-I-F-I-E-D!!! After a particularly bad experience in class, I stayed in my chair when the class was over - literally too scared to move. My teacher came over to my desk. She said to me, “You are very smart. And people need to hear your story. And they need to hear you tell it.” Over the course of that year she changed my life. So here we go Ms. Moeller…I am going to tell my story!

I have had a wild ride. Married at 19 to a wonderful woman. We had two children. It feel apart. I came out of the closet. FYI…the first people I came out to were my kids (that story is coming later!). Lost pretty much everything, but survived. No…wait. I more than survived!

So, yeah. I have an ex-wife who is a cherished friend. I have a husband who is my light and love. Two kids whom I adore and worry about everyday. I have three dogs, two cats, a tortoise, poison toads, and some fish (my husband is in the the vet field). I have two careers - acting and consulting (yes, I am a Gemini).

And every day I argue with the voices in my head that were firmly planted and fed throughout my childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood.

I suppose you could consider this my dumping ground for everything that goes on in my head. I am sharing them to get them out…to process them. To help me…and maybe someone will see or feel something familiar. A shared experience, if you will.

Word of warning…I cuss. I think of “dirty” words as seasoning. A good meal is always well seasoned - just the right amount. So you will find “choice” words occasionally. I hope you will understand that I am using them to convey meaning, not just to be vulgar. Although I can’t promise there weren’t be the occasional off-the-rail rant. But we all have those days, am I right?

Just sayin’

My run-in at the airport

My run-in at the airport