
Hello, my name is Will and I am an addict.

About a month ago I was finally persuaded by my daughter to download TikTok. My initial thoughts were that I was too old for this app...and when do I have time to just sit and watch videos?


My friend Trish died this week. Trish and I met in college in 1987. We were instant friends. We spent a huge amount of time together and we got ourselves into trouble more than once.


When I was in elementary school, we would take field trips to see plays. I loved these trips. We would see the play and then we would go to Zilker Park to eat our sack lunches and play before loading up the bus and heading back home.


This week I had a moment of clarity. Rather than getting myself worked up about things, I went analytical.

Why am I feeling this way? What is causing this anxiety?

I was sitting at my desk, staring out the window, when I realized...I want to be out there!


Here's the deal...

I significantly limited my social media this week. I significantly limited the amount of news that I watched. I took a much needed break.

Want to know why?

I am just so sick of the crap that people are spewing.


This may come as quite a surprise to those of you who know me personally. I was a very shy child. Very shy. The thought of anyone paying attention to me was frightening.