

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…

The Sharpie

The Sharpie

I usually start my day off by catching up on the news. I have been giving myself some days off from this habit recently because having to hear the latest antics of the orange buffoon can really ruin my day before it gets started.

I did not give myself today off though...so my lovely coffee is tainted with irritation and true astonishment at the idiocy.

“No one will notice if I extended this image with a Sharpie, right?”

“Of course not, Mr. Trump.”

“Whatever you say, Mr. Trump.”

“No one would question you, Mr. Trump.”

“You can do whatever you want, Mr. Trump.”

I learned a long time ago that a good leader surrounds themselves with people who are different from them...people who have different opinions than them. I learned it from a great mentor...and I employ that tactic to this very day. It has served me very well: helped me to avoid mistakes, challenged my thinking, created better plans and products.

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But that is not why we are here together today.

I got to thinking about Sharpies and how often they are NOT used for good...

  • Eyebrows

  • Lip Liner

  • Beard filler

  • Bathroom wall art

  • Hurricane map alterations

So...in an effort to school the children, here are the proper uses for a Sharpie

  • Labeling moving boxes

  • Giving autographs

  • Drawing on paper (draw on paper, not on people - unless you are getting a tattoo)

  • Labeling containers for the fridge or pantry

  • Addressing packages for shipping

  • Creating a protest poster

    Suggested topics include

    • The need for gun control

    • Equality

    • Fair wages

    • Women’s reproductive rights

    • Healthcare for all

    • Voting!

    • Protecting elections

    • NOT putting people in cages!

To sum up...

A Sharpie is not makeup.

A Sharpie can be used as a labeling tool.

A Sharpie is not for lying about a hurricane in an effort to make a previous lie not a lie...which is a lie...

Just sayin’

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