

Just sharing my thoughts and stories…



Cappuccino today...

I had a conversation recently with a friend about cultivating relationships that lift us up. We were talking about “friends” who have betrayed us...or relationships where there is no balance. You know what I am talking about. You are always there for them, but when you are in need...they are busy.

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We talked about how relationships should be mutual...reciprocal...balanced. For me, this is about energy as well. If a person’s energy is negative or aggressive or selfish, then I am not going to spend a lot of time with that person. And I don’t mean being selfish. There are days when you are there for someone else who is in a dark place. Everyone has bad days. You don’t abandon someone when they are having it rough. But, if it is your turn to be down, angry, or negative...a true friend is going to be there for you.

If there is no benefit for you in a relationship, then it is not a relationship. I realize this may read as selfish, but that is not my intent at all. If someone only takes your energy, and never provides any back? Well, it is probably time to redefine that relationship. This balance won’t happen in every encounter or interaction. But if I examine the relationship over time and discover that there is no balance, then I don’t choose to spend my energy on that relationship.

Lately I have been thinking about this a lot. And I realized something for myself.

If my first instinct when I see you is to hug you? Yeah, you are my friend. It means that I appreciate you. That I value you. It means that I want to engage with you. I want to talk with you...listen to you...laugh with you...cry with you...celebrate with you.

I know that not everyone is a hugger...and I respect that. So for some folks, it is a pat on the shoulder...or a touch on the arm...or an energetic handshake. But it is definitely some form of physical contact.

For me this is true even for those folks that I don’t get to see regularly. Even when I think about you, I have a physical response. Just want to hug you!

What follows is not a full list...but, these are some folks I have been thinking about recently. Important people in my life I value.

So, here is a virtual hug from me...









Just a few of the folks who I have been visiting through memory and imagination. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you today. Because when I think about friendship, and more importantly - happiness...I think of you.

And prepare yourselves...when I see you next? You can expect a big bear hug!

Just sayin’

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Dancing while driving

Dancing while driving

Wild College Days

Wild College Days