Back from vacation

I am back from vacation.

It was a rough week. There was some stuff going on back in Austin that had me super stressed out. Karen got sick. So it was impossible to just relax and enjoy myself.

$100 Tip

Harvey closed this weekend...I thoroughly enjoyed being Elwood P. Dowd to life on stage! Post-show blues are a real thing...and it has me thinking about another closing.

The close of the Greater Tuna National Tour in Arkansas. The final show of the tour was an emotional one. This was my dream gig...and it was ending.

Ready for Vacation

I have always taken on more than I should. I like to be busy. Only recently have I began to realize that while I enjoy being busy, I can't sustain it for long periods of time. Turns out, I need a break every now and then. Who knew?


I was in Central Market this week. I watched a woman completely harass a store employee over pears.

I wasn't really paying attention until I heard a woman's voice say loudly, "I can't believe it. These pears have been mislabeled for weeks. This is ridiculous!" It got my attention because this woman was pissed. I turned and saw a woman pointing at pears and standing very close to a store employee...up in his face.

He said quietly, "I am sorry."


Hot tea...Advil...Tylenol...

The flu sucks...really sucks...

Crawled out of bed...stood beside the bed for several minutes just trying to get my bearings.

I can do this...

Shows that start rehearsals before the holidays...then break for the holidays...then start back with basically two weeks fewer rehearsals than any other show in the season? That suuuuuuuuuuuuucks!!!