All in Really?


Here's the deal...

I significantly limited my social media this week. I significantly limited the amount of news that I watched. I took a much needed break.

Want to know why?

I am just so sick of the crap that people are spewing.

Back from vacation

I am back from vacation.

It was a rough week. There was some stuff going on back in Austin that had me super stressed out. Karen got sick. So it was impossible to just relax and enjoy myself.


I was in Central Market this week. I watched a woman completely harass a store employee over pears.

I wasn't really paying attention until I heard a woman's voice say loudly, "I can't believe it. These pears have been mislabeled for weeks. This is ridiculous!" It got my attention because this woman was pissed. I turned and saw a woman pointing at pears and standing very close to a store employee...up in his face.

He said quietly, "I am sorry."

The student in the back

There were too many times that I would notice a student at the back of the class...head down...the occasional wiping of a tear...the body position of someone in emotional distress. Unfortunately, it happened frequently enough that I came to recognize these students. Gay students, deep in the closet, completely terrified...and desperate to find an answer to their inner conflict.

Dinner with strangers

I truly don’t understand.  

I don’t understand the hatred that is pointed at people who are different.  If you are not straight, white, and well off…apparently you don’t matter.  Apparently you are worthy of ridicule, harassment, and worse.

I think that is ignorant…