All in Coffee Break


Hot tea...Advil...Tylenol...

The flu sucks...really sucks...

Crawled out of bed...stood beside the bed for several minutes just trying to get my bearings.

I can do this...

Shows that start rehearsals before the holidays...then break for the holidays...then start back with basically two weeks fewer rehearsals than any other show in the season? That suuuuuuuuuuuuucks!!!

2020 Day 1

Great memories of 2019. Hopes for 2020.'s to 2020...more laughter, more equality, more tolerance, and less ignorance (interpreted as fewer Republicans in office).

Educating the Children Part 1

In the drag world there is the concept of "educating the children." So...Mama Will has some information to share with you...

I will be sharing current and not-so-current individuals, movies, and series that speak to my community. And for the record...if you are gay and disagree with me on any of these recommendations? Shut up...sit down...respect your elders!


What coffee today? Who cares...

Trump supporters on social done with their crap. Whatever...nothing will change the mind of someone who is completely unable to think.